Lean Java Bean - Weight Loss Coffee

Lean Java Bean is a weight loss coffee that is made with 100% Non-GMO ingredients that help you lose weight and get into ketosis easily. Lean Java Bean makes getting into ketosis effortless by cutting carb and abnormal sugar cravings allowing you to eat keto foods without the tough cravings. Lean Java Bean replaces a natural mineral missing in much of today's soil that helps control insulin and regulate metabolism.
Burn Your Own Body Fat For Fuel
When you're on a keto diet, your body is burning fat for fuel. So how do you get your body to burn it's own fat?.. Intermittent fasting. Intermittent fasting is when you skip a meal or two and your body burns its own fat for fuel, this has amazing health benefits such as cleaning out toxins, boosting immune system, increasing energy, better focus, and more. Lean Java Bean makes it easy to do intermittent fasting as it keeps the cravings away.
Weight Loss Made Easy
Helps you get into ketosis easily by stopping sugar and carb cravings and restoring your body's natural fat burning capabilities. It replaces a missing mineral called chromium which is missing in much of todays soil. It is packed with nutrients and antioxidants to boost your bodies metabolism. It gives you an edge on your fitness and weight loss goals. With lean java bean it is easy to get in and stay in healthy ketosis.
Consistent Weight Loss
Getting your body into ketosis is key to burning fat and maintaining a healthy body composition without yoyo up and down weight loss weight gain. Drinking 1 cup of Lean Java Bean daily will help you be able to maintain your body weight consistently and stay in ketosis.
Clinically Proven Ingredients
Super CitriMax®Garcinia Cambogia Extract is derived from a fruit calledGarcinia gummi-guttaor Malabar tamarind from southwest India, Myanmar and Indonesia.It's key ingredientHydroxycitric Acid (HCA)which comes from the peel of the fruit, helps control your appetite, support weight-loss, and maintain a healthy weight. HCA in Garcinia Cambogia extract helps inhibit the production of fat in the body, increase serotonin levels, and suppresses appetite.
HCA is essential for increasing metabolism and burning fat†‡.HCA assists in burning fat in areas of the body that are hard to slim down, such as the abdomen and buttocks.
ChromeMate® (Chromium) is an essential part of our diet that plays a role in releasing energy from cells and isvitalto having aefficient metabolism. Chromium is atrace mineralmissing in much of today's soil and is important for the metabolism andprocessing of glucose. It helps prevent insulin resistance in people losing weight and also helps prevent loose skin. Taking enough chromium isessentialtometabolic health. It is not uncommon to seesignificantweight loss in the first week of a healthy diet that includeschromium. The improvement in metabolic health may shed water andburnfat more quickly.
Lean Java Bean Ingredients (All Natural...NOTHING Synthetic)
- 100% Non-GMO Dark Italian Roast Arabica Coffee
- Super Citrimax (Clinically Proven)
- ChromeMate as Chromium (Clinically Proven)
- Green tea extract
- Ginseng Extract
- L-Carnitine
- Phaseolamin
- Cassiolamine
- Green Coffee Bean
What’s Inside:
Arabica Coffee Beans
Coffee beans are naturally full of powerful immune supporting antioxidants and a natural energy source of something Americans can’t live without, Caffeine.
Green Tea Extract
Green Tea Extract - Is one of the most powerful anti-oxidants known. EGCG, Polyphenols, and rich in Catechins.
Green Tea Beans
Green Coffee Beans are rich in an acid called Chlorogenic 50%. Known to help burn fat and increase metabolism for increased fat burning. This powerful bean is full of antioxidants and natures bounty.
Since L-carnitine has a vital role in the metabolism of lipids, this critical compound may help people lose weight.
Super CitriMax®
A patented 100% natural non-stimulating extract of Garcinia Cambogia. Clinically proven to aid in weight loss assisting the body with appetite control, calorie & fat reduction, and increased fat burning by up to 50%.*
A patented mineral complex combining the amazing benefits of chromium and niacin together. Shown to be 18X more effective than other chromium complexes. It works to reduce appetite, support healthy insulin & cholesterol levels, and helps control insulin resistance & blood sugar spikes.*
Lean Java Bean - Weight Loss Coffee

All Natural
Sourced 100% fair trade and free of pesticides and herbicides (that most coffees contain). Our coffee is 100% Gluten Free, Non-GMO, and... insanely delicious!
Why Choose

Keto Made Simple

Helps Use Fat for Fuel

Delicious Arabica Roast Coffee!

Curbs Sugar and Carb Cravings

Easy to take on the go